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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Amy Goodman AND Voting Reform in Taos

From VoterAction.org:
Amy Goodman will be speaking at 9:00 AM this Sunday, April 17 at the Convention Center, Bataan Hall, in Taos. Immediately afterwards we will be presenting a forum on the state of voting in New Mexico and Taos County and what we can do about it.

8:00 AM
Tickets go on sale for Amy Goodman for $5. Petition signing as people wait in line and after they enter:

1. Petition for Paper Ballots for Taos County…NOW!

2. Petition the Taos County Clerk to release the voting machine tapes from the 2004 Election to Voter Action! New Mexico … NOW!

3. Petition the Taos County Clerk for automatic election recounts when the margin of victory is less than _____ of the total vote.

4. To be announced.

5. "After Amy … Action!" cards on every chair

6. Announcement from the podium about "Take Back Democracy … NOW!"

9:00 AM
Action Coalition of Taos Presents: AMY GOODMAN's Un-Embed the Media! Tour

10:30 AM (Immediately After Amy)
Voter Action! New Mexico: https://www.voteraction.org & Democracy Network Taos Present:

Take Back Democracy … NOW! Join New Mexico Voting Reform Activists taking actions to Take Back Our Elections.

10:30 Start with Action: Pastries + Coffee & Tea

10:30 Speaker: Pat Leahan, Voter Action! New Mexico; Las Vegas, New Mexico

10:45 Action Break: Discuss and sign petitions about further voting reforms for Taos & New Mexico

10:50 Speaker: Joe Pezzillo, Citizens for Verifiable Voting; Boulder, Colorado

11:05 Action Tables

April 13, 2005 at 10:58 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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