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Thursday, March 03, 2005

URGENT: Saturday Hearing & Rally on Election Reform

From Terry Riley:
The plan for Saturday is changing.  We have found out that the Voter Verifiable Paper Ballots are being considered at 8 AM on Saturday.  The bills that seem to be making the most headway will leave us with a lame electoral system.  The focus is on saving $14,000,000.  I love saving money.  I absolutely hate spending time and money on a partial fix and having to go back and go back and go back to possibly get it right.  We NEED everybody possible in Santa Fe at NOON on SATURDAY and we NEED a lot of people there at 8 AM when the committee meets.  This is something worth changing your schedule.  PLEASE come!

Here is what is going on per folks from United Voters of New Mexico and others:

Next up is the KEY meeting of the House Voters & Elections Committee set for 8 AM SATURDAY in Room 305. Please do your best to be there! We had eight activists at the suddenly announced 8 AM meeting today of the House Voters and Elections Committee. The Committee spent its time on Voter ID and did not get to VVPB and Automatic Audits. It adjourned at about 10 AM, with Chair Ed Sandoval announcing that consideration of HB1063 will continue and amendments thereto will be accepted at the SATURDAY meeting.

The word is that amendments will also come up for the Sen Rules Committee Substitute Bill at another SATURDAY meeting.

(NOTE: Click to read the orginal post about the Saturday Noon Rally.)

March 3, 2005 at 12:53 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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