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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Update on Election Reform Bill Hearings

From Bob Stearns of Verified Voting NM:

NM House Voters & Elections Committee met an hour late this morning(THURSDAY) and Chair Ed Sandoval announced that Substitute SB1063 and 1064 would not be heard. An HVEC subcommittee is discussing the bills and will report later. HVEC will hold a special meeting on the two bills on SATURDAY, time to be announced. Sen. McSorley said there has been a compromise in wording for Sen Judiciary Substitute Bill for SB678. Senate Judiciary met this morning.

Charlotte reports that Senate Judiciary plans to meet after the Senate floor session this afternoon and may consider Substitute Bill SB678. Committee hearings usually start 1/2 hour after the floor session ends, which is usually in mid or late afternoon. You can call the Legislature During Session number 986-4300 to find out if the Senate is still in floor session or has finished.

Editor's Note: Please remember that hearings on bill at this point in the Legislative Session are subject to abrupt changes. Always try to check the Committee agendas and/or call the Legislature to check for last-minute changes.

March 10, 2005 at 12:35 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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