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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sunday Bird (Dog) Blogging


Today, in a switch from our traditional Bird Blogging, we feature a new canine arrival in Atlanta. Our good friend and terrific singer, guitarist and songwriter, Liz Melendez, just received a little chihuahua puppy from friends. Here's a couple photos of the new, as yet unnamed chiledog just a few minutes after arriving in her new home. Arf!


The doggie gift came just in time for the ongoing celebrations of Liz's new CD release, Sweet Southern Soul. Visit LizMelendez.com to hear some audio clips and check out the Liz Melendez Band. In addition to many other important gigs around the country, Liz and her band headlined one of the Madrid Blues Festival's Sunday shows last summer and we're hoping she'll be back this way soon. We can't let our Southern music fans have all the fun! Here's Liz:


March 6, 2005 at 01:08 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


Oh how cute! Bailey's terrified of chihuahua's, ever since Zorro attacked her at puppy school. This one looks like he could change her opinion. We'll check out the music, too.

Posted by: Kathy | Mar 7, 2005 6:44:59 AM

sweet liz
with her sweet music
with sweet southern soul
with sweet doggie!
love you

Posted by: mary ellen | Mar 7, 2005 2:03:22 PM

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