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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday Bird Blogging

Here's Bosco enjoying his very first visit to the great outdoors in our backyard while outside his cage. He's been outside and has gone on rides in the car before while in his traveling cage, but he's never been outside his cage bars in the sunshine before yesterday.


And here's Mary Ellen showing him the beauties of the New Mexico sun. He was quite fascinated with the turquoise sky on this early Spring day, and with the finches who were nibbling at our bird feeders, seemingly oblivious to the peach-faced lovebird in their midst. Of course Bosco's wings are clipped so there was no danger of his flying off to find a new flock.


Note M.E.s t-shirt. You can't read it here, but it says BEAT NY, with the famous Red Sox emblem below -- a souvenir of last year's run-up to World Series victory. Once a Red Sox fan, always a Red Sox fan. We're not sure whether Bosco will be interested in baseball or not, but if he is, he'll probably be a fan of the Orioles, Cardinals or Blue Jays, don't you think?

March 13, 2005 at 11:27 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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