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Friday, March 11, 2005

Status of Key Election Reform Bills

From Bob Walsh of United Voters of NM:

With little more than a week to go,

HB742, Speaker Lujan's bill creating an Election Reform Task Force, was amended on the House floor to increase the membership to 16 and to provide for two county clerks from different parties.  It was passed by the House as amended and is now in the Senate Rules Committee.  The SRC agenda already has 47 items, but HB742 is not yet on that agenda.  Nevertheless, I expect that it will pass the Senate.

The moratorium of Ken Martinez (HB1003) was amended on the floor of the house so that it does not apply to purchases under the HAVA for persons covered by the Americans With Disabilites Act DA (alas!).  Like HB742, it passed the House as amended and is now in the SRC, but not yet on that agenda.

The Senate ominbus bill, the committee substitute for SB678 that is now being carried by Linda Lopez, is among many items that have been on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee for a few days.  That committee's calendar is not on the website as of 2:30 a.m., but they are expected to meet at 2:30 p.m. or after the session today (Fri.).

The House omnibus bill, HB1063, has been referred to a subcommittee headed by Ken Martinez for creation of a committee substitute.  The House Voters and Elections Committee has it on the agenda for Saturday at 8:30 a.m. 

SB1065 (McSorley) is among the 47 items on the SRC agenda for this morning (Fri.) at 8:30 a.m. If you go, bring a book to read.  This is the idealists' bill, which has many technical problems.

I will be surprised if any bill passes that keeps the Secretary of State from authorizing the HAVA money for non-voter verifiable paper ballot machines.  We may have to work on the county clerks and county commissions, arguing that the money (and the training) will be wasted.
Editor's Note: Click to check the frequently updated calendars for Legislative Committees, and their meeting agendas.

March 11, 2005 at 09:49 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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