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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Republicans Walk Out of House Elections & Voters Committee to Halt Election Reform Bill: Time Getting Short

From Dory Shonagon:
NM House Bill HB1063, the Governor’s bill supporting V.V.P.B. and Audits, was second on the House Voters & Elections Committee agenda today. Just as Rep. Sandoval was getting ready to present it, with amendments that the Republicans in subcommittee worked on and agreed to, all five of them got up and walked out in protest. The Committee thus lost its quorum and all action had to be stopped.

It was clear that the Republicans simply did NOT want the bill to pass the committee. This last drastic action of delay did indeed delay the bill for at least another day. And of course we are running out of time as the Legislature ends on March 19.

After the Republican walkout, the Democrats on the Committee held a press conference in the Rotunda, where many of our people-citizens got to speak as well as the House Dems on the Committee. Television media was there, including Albuquerque's Channel 7, and it will most likely be on the news tonight or tomorrow, as well as in the morning papers.

On the Senate side, once Senate Judiciary Substitute Bill SB 678 is passed on the Senate floor, which looks likely for tomorrow, it will go to the House. It is likely to be referred to the Voters and Elections Committee, where things can be difficult with Rep. Madalena ill and with the normal 8-7 split in favor of the Democrats not there. Still there is a chance the bill could pass the House Elections committee, go to the House floor, pass there and finally go to the Governor for his signature. Of course the delaying tactics being employed by the Republicans make it more difficult.

What is working in our favor is that Governor Richardson seems to very much want a comprehensive election reform bill to emerge under his leadership -- if not in the regular session then perhaps in a special session later this Spring.

As things stand, Tuesday may well be our key day. If the Senate bill passes Monday on the Senate Floor, it would probably be heard in the House Elections Committee on Tuesday. If it passes there, we have a chance to have it voted upon on the House Floor Wednesday or Thursday.

We'll try to keep you posted as soon as we hear what's going on.

March 13, 2005 at 08:25 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Senate Election Reform Bill Switched to Monday

From Bob Stearns:
Hi All, Latest word from Senator Lopez's office is that the Senate Judiciary Substitute Bill 678 will not be considered tonight (SUNDAY) on the Senate Floor and will be postponed until tomorrow (MONDAY). We will notify you as soon as we see the Senate Floor Calendar for tomorrow on the Legislature's website www.legis.state.nm.us.

Sorry about all this and the always late notice but that is the way the Legislature works. And this is why your PHONE CALLS TO LAWMAKERS are important. Click to find your Senator and his or her phone number.

March 13, 2005 at 07:56 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday Bird Blogging

Here's Bosco enjoying his very first visit to the great outdoors in our backyard while outside his cage. He's been outside and has gone on rides in the car before while in his traveling cage, but he's never been outside his cage bars in the sunshine before yesterday.


And here's Mary Ellen showing him the beauties of the New Mexico sun. He was quite fascinated with the turquoise sky on this early Spring day, and with the finches who were nibbling at our bird feeders, seemingly oblivious to the peach-faced lovebird in their midst. Of course Bosco's wings are clipped so there was no danger of his flying off to find a new flock.


Note M.E.s t-shirt. You can't read it here, but it says BEAT NY, with the famous Red Sox emblem below -- a souvenir of last year's run-up to World Series victory. Once a Red Sox fan, always a Red Sox fan. We're not sure whether Bosco will be interested in baseball or not, but if he is, he'll probably be a fan of the Orioles, Cardinals or Blue Jays, don't you think?

March 13, 2005 at 11:27 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0)

Senator Bingaman to Speak On Social Security at DPBC Meeting 3/23

From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County e-news. You can subscribe by sending your name, email address and county to dpbc@att.net.

Senator Bingaman will speak on Social Security at a DPBC meeting on Wednesday, March 23, at 7:00 PM at the UNM Law School, Room 2401. Our regular Third Thursday meeting scheduled for March 17 may yet be held in addition to Senator Bingaman's talk.  You will be informed.

Marvin Moss
First Vice-Chair
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County

Also, Click to Subscribe to State Party Newsletter

You can sign up for the newsletter of the Democratic Party of New Mexico by clicking here. The link will take you to the appropriate page of the State Party website.

March 13, 2005 at 09:50 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Critical Sunday Hearings on Election Reform Bills

From Charlotte, Wayne and Bob:

On the Senate Side:
NM Senate Judiciary Committee Substitute 678 (Election Reform) is number 6 on the Senate Floor Agenda which begins at 12:30 PM on Sunday, March 13, 2005. Senator Linda Lopez, the sponsor, has asked that we have people in the gallery to show support for the bill.

On the House Side:
The NM House Voters & Elections Committee did not meet on SATURDAY morning as scheduled and finally announced late that day that it will meet on SUNDAY at 10 AM in room 309 to consider HB1063, the Governor’s bill supporting V.V.P.B. and Audits. Some 10 activists turned out Saturday and please come Sunday if you can.


March 13, 2005 at 09:45 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Election Reform Progress

From Bob, Charlotte, Wayne and the rest of the Roundhouse gang:

The Senate Judiciary Substitute Bill SB 678 passed and was sent to the Senate floor at about 5:15 PM FRIDAY. Vote was 5-4 on party lines.

Repubs complained they had not received the latest version of the bill in time for their analysts to examine. Their opposition was focused on what they see as weak Voter ID provisions but Sen. Payne said he supported Voter Verifiable Paper Ballots (V.V.P.B.). Senators Sanchez and Grubesic said they supported the bill in committee but were undecided whether they’d do so on the floor, because they saw Voter ID changes as not needed.

SB678 may be brought up on the Senate floor on SUNDAY SO IT’S TIME NOW TO ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR SENATORS TO SUPPORT SB678. If passed it has to go through the House within the week. Some 15 activists attended the Judiciary Committee meeting today..


March 12, 2005 at 10:25 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Santa Fe Precinct & Ward Election Training Set for Tuesday

*WHAT: Training on the Ward and County Election Process

*Purpose of this training is to familiarize yourself with the process, rules and procedures associated with ward elections and county elections. Training will feature a “mock” ward election.

WHO: All registered Democrats in Santa Fe County

WHEN: Tuesday Evening, March 15, 2005 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.

WHERE: Democratic Party of Santa Fe County HQ
907 W. Alameda
Santa Fe, NM 87501

There will be 25 slots open and they will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis by contacting the DPSFC (through Doug Schocke) at 982.5727 or sfdparty@qwest.net

March 12, 2005 at 10:14 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Al Franken Show Coming to ABQ on Tuesday

Al Franken's Air America show will be broadcasting live in Albuquerque:

When: Tuesday, March 15th
Where: National Hispanic Cultural Center
Time: 10 AM - 1 PM

You can get free tickets at several Albuquerque stores this weeken, only during the hours listed:

Sunday, March 13th
Peacecraft (Central/Nob Hill)
3215 Central Avenue NE
(505) 255-5229
12 Noon - 1 PM

Monday, March 14th
Vitamin Trader (Montano between 2nd & 4th St.)
211 Montana Road NW
(505) 344-6060
1 PM - 2 PM

Seating is limited. Getting your ticket doesn't ensure you'll get into the venue, but you must have a ticket to enter.

More info at:

March 12, 2005 at 09:54 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Death Penalty Repeal Stopped by "Democrat" Richard Martinez

From the Santa Fe New Mexican blog:


The effort to repeal the death penalty this year apparently has died.

The Senate Judiciary Committee by a 5-4 vote tabled House Bill 576.

As suggested in the post below, Sen. Richard Martinez, D-Espanola was the deciding vote. Yesterday Martinez, who voted in 2001 for a similar bill, said he was undecided. Today he decided.

Voting to table were Martinez, and Republican Sens. Rod Adair, Kent Cravens, Clinton Hardin and Bill Payne.

Voting against tabling were Sens. John Grubesic, Linda Lopez, Cisco McSorley and Michael Sanchez.

For complete coverage, read Saturday's New Mexican.
Editor's Note: Senator Richard Martinez is the same so-called "Democrat" who voted against the domestic partnership bill and for the "Defense of Marriage Act." I really need to research what his votes have been on other issues important to real Democrats. Why have the Democratic Party support a guy if he apparently votes with the Republicans so much of the time? Only the DLC Republicans-lite know .... You can check out the Senator here.

March 11, 2005 at 07:23 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Equality Action Day at Roundhouse Monday

Monday, March 14, is ACTION DAY at the Roundhouse.  Here's a schedule:

9:30  Meet on the East Side of the Roundhouse: Make t-shirts (bring your old white shirt).  Silent Action Inside.

10:30  Interfaith Service: New Mexico Religious Alliance for Inclusion and Non-Discrimination (NM RAIN).

11:30  Love Snacks (FREE FOOD!)

12:00  RALLY for Rights Around the Roundhouse: We will encircle the Roundhouse with rights that many in our community are denied.  Opportunity for civil disobediance INSIDE!

Endorsed by Equality New Mexico, Lambda Legal, and the New Mexico Religious Alliance and Non-Discrimination (NM RAIN), Code Red, New Mexico Voices for Children, UNM LGBTQQI Alliance

For more information: arich@lambdalegal.org

March 11, 2005 at 03:18 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)