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Monday, March 14, 2005

MoveOn Call-In Day for Fair Judges Set for Wednesday

From MoveOn PAC:
This weekend, we heard from congressional sources that Republicans are closer than ever to the number of Senate votes they need to use the "nuclear option"—paving the way for the appointment of truly extreme right-wing judges. With enough of an outcry, we can stop them. But we need to move fast to get the word out and demonstrate to our senators broad-based opposition to this dangerous measure. So our call-in day comes at just the right time.

This message contains essential info for Wednesday's massive national call-in day (which we described during last week's parties). It also addresses some of the most frequent questions you mentioned in the post-party survey, including how to get involved in Operation Democracy, our big new campaign to fight the right and elect progressives, if you didn't make it to a party. If you're waiting for details on the call-in days—or feeling confused more generally—please read on!

1. The call-in day is on Wednesday. We moved it to Wednesday because Senator Byrd of West Virginia, one of the Senate's most distinguished statesmen, has agreed to headline a MoveOn member rally in Washington, D.C. to coincide with the call-in day (if you live in the D.C. area you'll get a separate message about this event).

2. Materials and instructions are ready. You will find everything you need, including complete call-in day instructions, a flyer for your area with the appropriate senators' names and numbers, a sample script, how-to's and issue info at:

3. If you're a team leader, register your team now. It's easy. You'll be asked for a team name, the area your team will cover, and a description. Don't worry too much about these -- you can change them later. Then you can enter your team members' names and info, or send them a link to sign up themselves. Just click here to start:

4. If you want to participate in Operation Democracy, our new progressive campaign, please join a team or start your own. You can find a team near you by entering your zip at the link below. You can also start your own team, which can be public (other members can find it and ask to join) or private (only people you invite can join). And it can start as small as one or two people. Click here to find or start a team:

March 14, 2005 at 10:38 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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