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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Many Victories for Progressives at Bernalillo County Ward & Precinct Elections

Results and responses from Monday's Bernalillo County Ward and Precinct Meetings have been streaming into my email box. Many of the meetings were reportedly well-attended and full of energy, while a few were somewhat chaotic, confusing or more sparsely attended. But almost to a person, folks seemed to be very happy to be participating.

Candidates from the DFNM community were incredibly successful in winning ward and precinct posts, especially considering how new we are at this. I haven't received all the results yet from our folks, but so far it looks like we may have wins for:

It will be terrific to see so many familiar faces who are new to the process at the Bernalillo County Central Committee Meeting this Saturday morning at the Albuquerque Convention Center.

I guess this is what Howard Dean meant when he encouraged us to Take Back Our Party (and also to work with the good folks already there)! It seems clear that the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party is on a roll here in New Mexico. Let's all give ourselves a pat on the back for this one. Whether you were a candidate, a winner or a participant at the ward and precinct meetings, YOU have the power:

You have the power to take back the Democratic party and make us stand up for what's right again, allow us to fulfill the dream of Harry Truman in 1948 that he laid out when we would no longer be the last industrial country on the face of the earth without health insurance, allow us to stand up again for the rights to organize for ordinary men and women, allow us to stand again for the principles of equal rights under the law for every single American. You have the power to take our country back so that the flag of the United States of America no longer is the exclusive property of John Aschcroft, and of Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh and Jerry Falwell, that it belongs to all of us again. --Howard Dean

March 30, 2005 at 05:02 PM in DFNM - Albq, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


You go Albuqueruqe. Now get people to run for State Central Committee.
PS and get Lind aLopez reelected to Bernalillo Co Chair. She is the progressive candidate.

Posted by: Charlotte | Mar 30, 2005 9:46:49 PM

What's so progressive about Linda Lopez? I don't mean in terms of her political views - but why do you think she's been a good County Chair? What's she done? As far as I can see, she's presided over a wholly stagnant and ineffective party organization.

Posted by: | Mar 30, 2005 10:17:56 PM

Why not help Linda instead of critizing her? I have worked with both candidates and she is definitely the progressive. I thought that was what we were trying to do. Howard Dean tells us to TAKE OUR PARTY BACK. She stood up to the Governor and his Republican lite tax cuts and other issues. You should hear about other counties if you think Bernalillo is poorly run. In Sandoval County the rules were suspended and the Chair named the State Central Committee members. They never read the resolutions to the people in the room. They just passed them.
There is a need for organization in the party but not having it so tight and so complicated that people do not particpate. Both extremes are not good. Progressives need to unite!!!!

Posted by: Charlotte | Mar 31, 2005 10:26:21 AM

Why should I help her when as best as I can tell she's done a lousy job as County Chair?
I want a chair that will get and keep as many Democrats as possible informed and involved and active in the party. What has she done towards that end in the last two years, and what will she do in the next?
I'm seriously wondering. I get a vote in the matter on Saturday (I think), and at the moment I don't like either choice. I've been to every 3d Thursday meeting since I learned of them in November, and I haven't seen Linda Lopez at one yet. That's not encouraging. On the other hand, while I don't like a lot the the things Marvin Moss does with those meetings, at least he arranges them and shows up. I give him points for that. He has also shown up at the DFA 1st Wednesday meeting (LL did once, too, I think) and he circulated something like a platform. I give him points for that, too.
Sandoval County is irrelevant - I don't want Bernalillo County to merely be better than another County - I want to vote for the best candidate. I know other counties are terrible, I went to the McKinley County meeting (click on my name above for a bit of report on that abomination).
Her legislative accomplishments, which you mention, are largely irrelevant, too - I'm not voting for a senator. I'm voting for a County Chair, and I want to know who will be the best County Chair. That means who will best make the County open and transparent and active, not the person whose tax positions I find more agreeable.
So please, please, give me some sort of a rational reason to vote for her for County Chair.

Posted by: | Mar 31, 2005 8:51:03 PM

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