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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Major Victory in Election Reform Effort!

From Bob Stearns and All:
A major advance toward victory this morning! The House Voters & Elections Committee passed SJC Sub Bill 678, with some amendments that do not affect its VVPB and Automatic Audit provisions. The bill stands in for HB1063, and now goes to a vote on the House Floor.

Again, please phone your House lawmakers, and the House leadership to urge passage of SB678. Leadership consists of:

Speaker Ben Lujan of Santa Fe at 986-4782
Dem Majority Leader Rep. Ken Martinez of Grants at 986-4777
Repub Minority Leader Rep. Ted Hobbs of Albuquerque at 986-4757

A salute to Senators Linda Lopez and Gerry Ortiz y Pino who presented SB678 to the HVE Committee and to the 13 activists who came to show our support. Among the amendments to SB678 was one striking out the provision that the SoS can ask for the full estimated cost of a recount before it is undertaken.

Verfied Voting New Mexico: https://vvnm.org

March 17, 2005 at 12:35 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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