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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Major Election Reform Bill Passes NM Senate: Contact House Dems NOW

Info from Charlotte Roybal and Dory Shonagon:
The Senate finally took up SB678 (Lopez), an omnibus election bill, at 9:15 PM on Tuesday, March 15. Three amendments were added and about six were defeated. Shortly after midnight the bill passed on a party-line vote.

With only four days left in the NM Legislative Session, it is very important that we contact ALL Democratic Representatives in the House and urge them to pass this bill because we need election reform THIS SESSION.

Click to find contact information on House members.

Editor's Note: I think it's important to send a note of thanks to all the Dem Senators who voted for this bill. And, in particular, I would thank Senators Linda Lopez (bill sponsor), Gerald Ortiz y Pino and Cisco McSorley and their hard-working staff members for their efforts and negotiating skills that produced this bill. Hooray for this victory! On to the House!

March 16, 2005 at 09:59 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


wow what great news!
thanks to all the hard working
grassroots activists making sure our votes
are counted right the next time.
The base of democracy!!
Hard to believe it is
such a fight!!!
All we want is the votes counted!
Is that too much to ask for??

Posted by: mary ellen | Mar 16, 2005 5:20:53 PM

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