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Monday, March 21, 2005

Latest on Bush Protest

From Stop the War Machine news:

1. W is visiting Albuquerque in order to have a "conversation" about Social Security tomorrow, Tuesday, 3/22 in the Convention Center at around 9:30 AM.

You are invited to do the following:

Plan A: Go to Civic Plaza by 7:30 AM.  Bring signs...

Plan B (if you are unable to do plan A): Meet at the Federal Courthouse at or as soon after 7:30 AM as possible.  Bring signs...

If you have any questions or you hear any further details of when W will arrive and where he will be, please call 933-6600.
I understand that a third alternative being promoted for a gathering place is Robinson Park at 8th and Central. It's difficult to know beforehand where they will allow people to congregate given all the street closings and other "security" measures that keep the people away from Bush.

Bush reportedly arrives in Albuquerque today at 7 PM, and will stay overnight at the Hyatt Regency, catty-corner from the Convention Center Marriott at Louisiana and I-25.

March 21, 2005 at 06:26 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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