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Friday, March 18, 2005

GREAT NEWS: Election Reform Bill SB678 Passes NM House!

Hot_1 From Bob Stearns and the Roundhouse Gang:
Fellow Believers, SB678 with Voter Verified Paper Ballot and Automatic-Audits passed the House today (FRIDAY) by a 39-26 partisan vote, after a 3-hour debate beginning at noon.

Numerous Republicans supported V.V.P.B. and Audits but voted against the bill because of strong differences with the Democrats on the Voter ID issue. The bill, already passed by the Senate, now goes to the Governor.

Our success in getting VVPB and Audits into this legislation came from all the effort all you activists have put in over the past year and especially during this Session.  Take a break and pat yourselves on the back. Well done!
Editor's Note: I heard from Dory Shonagon that this bill will have to go into what is known as "concurrence" on the Senate Floor. Because the version of the bill passed by the House had a number of amendments that weren't included when the bill passed the Senate, they'll have to OK it again before it heads to the Governor. Since the Legislative Session ends at Noon tomorrow, there's still a slight chance that it won't pass out of the Legislature on time. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

March 18, 2005 at 04:14 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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