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Friday, March 11, 2005

Equality Action Day at Roundhouse Monday

Monday, March 14, is ACTION DAY at the Roundhouse.  Here's a schedule:

9:30  Meet on the East Side of the Roundhouse: Make t-shirts (bring your old white shirt).  Silent Action Inside.

10:30  Interfaith Service: New Mexico Religious Alliance for Inclusion and Non-Discrimination (NM RAIN).

11:30  Love Snacks (FREE FOOD!)

12:00  RALLY for Rights Around the Roundhouse: We will encircle the Roundhouse with rights that many in our community are denied.  Opportunity for civil disobediance INSIDE!

Endorsed by Equality New Mexico, Lambda Legal, and the New Mexico Religious Alliance and Non-Discrimination (NM RAIN), Code Red, New Mexico Voices for Children, UNM LGBTQQI Alliance

For more information: arich@lambdalegal.org

March 11, 2005 at 03:18 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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