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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Election Reform Action Today & Tomorrow

From Bob Stearns:
Hi All, This is late notice. Bills are moving fast in these final weeks. Today (WEDNESDAY) the Senate Rules Committee, meeting at 8 AM in Room 321, will consider a packed agenda including the Ortiz y Pino Bill SB621 and the McSorley Bill SB1065.

This afternoon (WEDNESDAY) the Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 2:30 PM or a half hour after the floor session in Room 321 to cope with another heavy agenda, including the Judiciary Substitute Bill C/SB 678 on the Voter Verifieable Paper Ballot (VVPB).

On THURSDAY at 8 AM in Room 305 the House Voters & Elections Committee will consider again the Sandoval Bill HB1063 on the VVPB. Hope you can make it.

More info on Verfied Voting New Mexico

March 9, 2005 at 08:36 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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