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Monday, March 07, 2005

NM Election Reform Update

From Dory Shonagon:
The NM House Elections Committee heavily amended the Governor's combo election bill, HB1063 (Sandoval), on Sunday, but did not pass it yet.  They will have it in comittee again on Tuesday, March 8, at 8:00 AM, in Room 305 and it will probably pass. Click to track this bill.

The NM Senate combo election reform bill, SB678, is in the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon sometime after 2:30 PM, with many of the amendments we wanted. If it passes, it will go to the Senate floor for debate and voting sometime later this week, possibly this weekend. We'll try to keep you posted on this as the debate should be a lively one and it would be a very interesting session to attend. Click to track this bill.

I will be leading another educational trip up to the Legislature this coming Saturday or Sunday, March 12th or 13th, depending on what people want. An email will be going out shortly on this to all DFA-DFNM members in Albuquerque.

March 7, 2005 at 01:25 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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