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Monday, March 14, 2005

Election Bills Today

From Bob Walsh of United Voters of NM:
The Senate floor session is set for 9 AM this morning, with SB678 as fifth on the list of bills, probably not to be considered before 10 AM.

The Senate Rules Committee is scheduled to meet at 8 AM.  The agenda on the website has not been updated since Friday and does not contain any bills of interest.  However, the agenda that was posted on the wall for the Sunday meeting, which was canceled, did contain SB1065 (McSorley) as the 3rd item, but contained neither the Task Force bill (HB) nor the moratorium (HB).  Even if they use Sunday's agenda, they may not get to SB1065.  In fact, they may want to wait on that one to see if SB678 gets through the Senate.

The House Voters and Election Committee does not show anything for today on the web site. This week, of course, all schedules are subject to change by announcements on the floor or on the loudspeakers. In fact, while this letter was being composed, the web site seems to have crashed temporarily.

March 14, 2005 at 09:36 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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