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Monday, March 07, 2005

DFA-DFNM Workshop on Lakoff Set for 3/24

George Lakoff Workshop:  Thinking Like a Liberal
Coordinated by Janet Resnick of DFA-DFNM
March 24, Thursday at 7 PM - 9 PM
First Unitarian Church Social Hall
Carlisle and Comanche
(same location as our Meetups)

This workshop is based on the content of two books by George Lakoff, "Don't Think of an Elephant", and "Moral Politics." It will consist of a 25-minute DVD featuring Lakoff, a slide presentation, a personal view of Lakoff's work presented by Miles Nelson, MD, and a workshop session designed to help us connect our progressive moral values to progressive politics.

It will be assumed that you have already read "Don't Think of an Elephant" prior to attending this workshop. A basic understanding of Lakoff's principles will enable you -- and others in the group -- to gain the most insight from the experience.

Bring a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil with you.

For logistical reasons, participation will be limited to the first 60 people who sign up. A confirmation email will be sent to you if you are among this group.

Send an email to dfnm_albq@comcast.net to sign up. You must include the following information for each person:

Email address
Phone Number

March 7, 2005 at 04:38 PM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink


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