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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Democratic Party Ward & Precinct Meetings Around State

The website of the Democratic Party of New Mexico has published information on the dates, times and meeting spaces for ward & precinct meetings around the state. Click to find yours.

I note that while my previous post had the starting time for the meetings in Bernalillo County as 6:30 PM, the web page now says it's 7:00 PM. I'll try to get this cleared up and let you know.

Also, the State Democratic Party is looking for volunteers for a couple of projects, including help in completing a large mailing this week at their headquarters at 1301 San Pedro NE in Albuquerque. If you'd like to help out, please call 830-3650. They can usually set up hours to match your availability.

March 8, 2005 at 03:10 PM | Permalink


I dropped an e-mail to the DPNM last night asking about the time discrepancy. I haven't heard back. I also notice that the DPNM is missing three of the clusters on the DFNM list, and it has the IBEW hall for the Sandia cluster - the location that Marvin Moss wanted to change - while the DFNM has Sandia High School. I suspect it's another instance of the DPNM screwing up.

Posted by: | Mar 8, 2005 3:50:41 PM

I know for a fact that the Sandia Cluster is at Sandia High School because I heard it from my ward chair. In the original list I got from the Dem Party there were a few clusters missing, so that's probably the one that's up on the Dem Party site and they evidently haven't updated it since then.

Posted by: barb | Mar 8, 2005 4:06:45 PM

The DPNM web site now (9 pm 3/7) has the starting time as 6:30, but they're still showing the Sandia Cluster meeting at the IBEW. No explanation or note about the change in time. They've removed the duplicate North Valley cluster, but haven't added the missing three. Oh well. I'm sure they'll get it right by 2006.

Thanks for the update on the actual meeting place of the Sandia cluster

Posted by: | Mar 8, 2005 9:13:58 PM

Oopsie. "now" is 3/8, not 3/7 as I wrote above. Sometimes I can't stop living in the past.

Posted by: | Mar 8, 2005 9:18:56 PM

I feel your pain.

Posted by: barb | Mar 9, 2005 8:39:39 AM

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