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Friday, March 11, 2005

Death Penalty Repeal Stopped by "Democrat" Richard Martinez

From the Santa Fe New Mexican blog:


The effort to repeal the death penalty this year apparently has died.

The Senate Judiciary Committee by a 5-4 vote tabled House Bill 576.

As suggested in the post below, Sen. Richard Martinez, D-Espanola was the deciding vote. Yesterday Martinez, who voted in 2001 for a similar bill, said he was undecided. Today he decided.

Voting to table were Martinez, and Republican Sens. Rod Adair, Kent Cravens, Clinton Hardin and Bill Payne.

Voting against tabling were Sens. John Grubesic, Linda Lopez, Cisco McSorley and Michael Sanchez.

For complete coverage, read Saturday's New Mexican.
Editor's Note: Senator Richard Martinez is the same so-called "Democrat" who voted against the domestic partnership bill and for the "Defense of Marriage Act." I really need to research what his votes have been on other issues important to real Democrats. Why have the Democratic Party support a guy if he apparently votes with the Republicans so much of the time? Only the DLC Republicans-lite know .... You can check out the Senator here.

March 11, 2005 at 07:23 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


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