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    Tuesday, March 22, 2005

    Counter Republican Anti-Social Security Blitz

    From Democracy for America:

    Get ready for the Republican anti-Social Security blitz.

    A couple of weeks ago a right-wing front group called "USA Next" made national news when it started its anti-Social Security campaign with a bigoted, hateful ad. You helped create a backlash so strong that it spent the next few weeks licking its wounds.

    But now they're back. USA Next is set to go on the air with its political hate speech in the next two weeks. You built the momentum -- we can't let up now. Ask your friends to petition media outlets to keep bigotry and distortions off the air:


    Remember -- the USA Next ads come from the same Republican operatives who unleashed the swift boat attacks.

    And USA Next isn't the only player -- it is just one of dozens of entities that funnel money from corporations and right-wing billionaires into our political process. They have pledged to spend whatever it takes to dismantle Social Security.

    Their latest project: producing distorted polls to generate news coverage and "evidence" of support for their privatization agenda. It's part of a coordinated effort by corporate interests and conservative ideologues to wage a multi-front war on Social Security.

    Fox News, of course, featured the results of the biased poll. But so did other news outlets -- they need to be put on notice that they will be held accountable for airing USA Next's distortions. Tell your friends to join the call for accountability now:


    Conservative ideologues have been plotting the takedown of Social Security for a generation. And while we have done a good job getting the truth out so far, we can't rest.

    The fight to save Social Security isn't over -- it has barely begun.

    Tom Hughes, Executive Director
    Democracy for America

    March 22, 2005 at 09:43 AM in Current Affairs, DFA | Permalink


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