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Friday, March 18, 2005

Bush Event in Albuquerque on Tuesday


President Bush reportedly will be arriving in Albuquerque on Monday night and appearing at a so-called town hall meeting on Tuesday morning at the Kiva Auditorium at the Convention Center downtown. He'll be pushing his Social Security reform measures, including private accounts. You can imagine how diverse the crowd will be at the orchestrated and carefully screened event.

I called the NM Republican Party today just for kicks and the woman I spoke with wanted to take my name for a waiting list for tickets. She also asked if I had gotten an email about the event, apparently to check to see if I was on their insider mailing list. I didn't bother to leave my name as I imagine the first thing they'll do is check your voter registration! I did find out that doors at the Civic Center will open at 6:15 AM on Tueday so people can go through the very strict security.

There are rumblings of a protest in the making outside the Convention Center on Tuesday morning. I'll keep you posted as I learn more.

March 18, 2005 at 05:23 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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