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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Are You Listening to Al Franken This Morning?

Al_franken From Air America Radio's Al Franken Show:
Most of Team Franken is pluckily braving the snowstorms of New Mexico to (hopefully) bring you a road show from Albuquerque (at the National Hispanic Cultural Center). In hour one, we’ll be joined by New Mexico Governor .

In hour two, we’ll be joined by former US Senator from Oklahoma and presidential candidate Fred Harris. He’s now a professor of political science at the University of New Mexico-Albuquerque and he’s writing a book on Social Security’s non-crisis.

We’ll kick off hour three with Conroy Chino, New Mexico’s secretary of labor and an Acoma member of the Pueblo tribe.

Then, we’ll be talking about No Child Left Behind with Lois Meyer, an associate professor of education at the University of New Mexico-Albuquerque. She’s the author of an upcoming analysis called “No Child Left Bilingual.”
Click to listen live online from 10 AM to 1 PM. Or you can listen on the radio in Albuquerque on KABQ 1350 AM or in Santa Fe on KTRC 1260 AM.
In the opening minutes of the show, Franken announced that Governor Richardson was stuck up in Santa Fe due to our big snowstorm, but that he would be calling in for the interview. I hope Franken asks the Governor about election reform!
Update: Govenor Richardson did say he thought we'd get a bill with "voter verifiable (or was that verified) paper trail." Why can't he use the term "ballot"? We'll never know.

March 15, 2005 at 10:12 AM in Media | Permalink


COOL! I'm listening now! Thanks for posting this Barb!

Posted by: Kathy | Mar 15, 2005 11:59:44 AM

Wow, listening from across the Atlantic. The magic of cyberpower. What did you think of the show? I thought Fred Harris did great. As always.

Posted by: barb | Mar 15, 2005 1:31:51 PM

Why was Bill Richardson on a show with AL Frenken?

Posted by: Charlotte | Mar 15, 2005 6:49:18 PM

I only caught the last half. It was great hearing New Mexican voices! I knew Lois Meyer from the Nelson campaign. She's a smart woman. A brain I wanted to pick more.

Posted by: Kathy | Mar 16, 2005 12:24:33 PM

Charlotte: During the show, Franken said Richardson is one of his "heroes" and that he supports "pro-business" Democrats. Hmmm. It's well known that Franken favors the Clinton wing of the Party and was also a big Kerry supporter from early on. In fact, when Kerry was doing to badly in the primaries and Dean was rising, Franken invited a bunch of well-known media and political people to his home to talk with Kerry and give him a boost. I don't believe Franken is a member of the progressive wing at all.

Posted by: barb | Mar 17, 2005 8:52:01 AM

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