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Friday, March 11, 2005

ACTION ALERT: Stop Wildlife Privatization in NM

From the NM Wilderness Alliance:

Let's Keep the Pressure Up!
NM Senate Bill 337, will be voted on this Saturday.

If you have not already, please take a moment out of your day to call the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee, plus any representatives from your area. The future of New Mexico’s wildlife depends on defeating Senate Bill 337.

Senate Bill 337 would allow the “super-sizing” of canned-hunting areas in New Mexico, expanding the maximum size of “game parks” from 3,200 up to 15,000 acres.

This bill would allow the fencing-in and confiscation of New Mexico’s publicly owned wildlife, where no hunting seasons and no hunting limits would apply inside the tall fences. If this bill passes, the tall fences would also block free-movement of New Mexico’s wildlife across the landscape, and would block access to food, water and cover.

To top it all off, the captive animals shipped in to stock the Game Farms would bring with them the risk of diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease, tuberculosis and brucellosis. The economic impact of infecting New Mexico’s wild elk herds with CWD would be devastating.

(Click to the continuation page for legislator contact info.)

House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee
Gail C. Beam, Chair (D), Albuquerque: 986-4844
Irvin Harrison, Vice Chair (D), Gallup: 986-4464
Thomas A. Anderson (R), Albuquerque: 986-4452
Keith J. Gardner (R), Roswell: 986-4211
Joni Marie Gutierrez (D), Las Cruces: 986-4234
Dianne Miller Hamilton (R), Silver City: 986-4221
Al Park (D), Albuquerque: 986-4234

March 11, 2005 at 09:09 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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