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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

ACTION ALERT: Repeal the NM Death Penalty


From the New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty:

HB 576 Assigned to Senate Rules and Judiciary Committees
House Bill 576 "Abolish the Death Penalty" has been assigned to Senate Rules and Senate Judiciary Committees. The bill will first be heard in Senate Rules. We do not currently have the date of the next hearing, but it is critical that all of the members of Senate Rules and Judiciary are contacted within the next week. Keep your eyes on your email for the confirmed date and time for the Senate Rules hearing.

In addition to contacting your own senator, please call, write, and make a personal visit to ALL the committee members (listed on the continuation page) and ask for their support of HB 576. Letter to senators should be addressed to: Senator _____, Capitol Building, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

Please note below those Senators that have supported repeal in the past. Your communication with past supporters is equally if not more vital than your communication with non-supporters. Please frame your calls, letters, and visits around thanking them for their support in the past and asking for continued support in 2005.

Letters to the Governor
As HB 576 moves through the Senate and gets closer to the Governor Richardson's desk, it is important that the governor continues to hear from repeal supporters in the form of a personal letter. Even if you have already written Governor Richardson, please take a moment to contact him again and urge him to support HB 576 if it reaches his desk.

Governor Richardson maintains that he supports capital punishment with appropriate safeguards in place. Please continue to emphasize our victims' services proposal, the ineffective use of state resources, as well as the lack of guaranteed safeguads against the unjust application of the death penalty.

Write Governor Richardson at:
Office of the Governor
Capitol Building, Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Letters to the Editor
With all of our outstanding press coverage, there are many opportunities to WRITE WRITE WRITE!

Show the public that the citizens of New Mexico support repeal and that we are united behind our VICTIMS' FIRST legislation. Letters to the editor will be most effective with senators and the Gov. Richardson if they highlight New Mexico's unique position to support victims while repealing the death penalty.

We would like to have original newspaper clippings from any press coverage in your area. Please send original articles, op-eds, and letters to the editor to our office at:

PO Box 8552
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Don't Forget to Call and Thank Our House Supporters, Especially the Five Republicans: Justine Fox-Young, Brian Moore, Teresa Zanetti, Dub Williams, and Larry Larranaga

NM Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty
(505) 986-9536
Subscribe to Email_alert mailing list:

Senate Rules
Sen. Linda M. Lopez (D) Bernalillo
Committee Chair
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 320A

Sen. John T. L. Grubesic (D) Santa Fe
Committee Vice Chair
Newly elected repeal supporter
Capitol 414B

Sen. Rod Adair (R) Chaves, Lincoln
Capitol 416F

Sen. Ben D. Altamirano (D) Catron, Grant, Socorro
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 105A

Sen. Kent L. Cravens (R) Bernalillo, Sandoval
Capitol 416 D

Sen. Dianna J. Duran (R) Dona Ana, Otero
Capitol 109C

Sen. Dede Feldman (D) Bernalillo
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 300A

Sen. Steve Komadina (R) Sandoval
Capitol 416C

Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D) Bernalillo
Newly elected repeal supporter
Capitol 414A

Senate Judiciary
Sen. Cisco McSorley (D) Bernalillo
Committee Chair
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 319A

Sen. Richard C. Martinez (D) Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe
Committee Vice Chair
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 414D

Sen. Rod Adair (R) Chaves, Lincoln
Capitol 416F

Sen. Kent L. Cravens (R) Bernalillo, Sandoval
Capitol 416D

Sen. John T. L. Grubesic (D) Santa Fe
Newly elected repeal supporter
Capitol 414B

Sen. Clinton D. Harden, Jr. (R) Colfax, Curry, Harding, Quay, San Miguel, Taos, Union
Capitol 416E

Sen. Linda M. Lopez (D) Bernalillo
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 320A

Sen. William H. Payne (R) Bernalillo
Capitol 415H

Sen. Lidio G. Rainaldi (D) Cibola, McKinley
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 302A

Sen. Michael S. Sanchez (D) Valencia
Past repeal supporter
Capitol 102A

March 2, 2005 at 02:25 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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