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Thursday, March 03, 2005

ABQ DFA-DFNM Meetup Tonight

Dfameetup_3Our monthly Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup is set for 7:00 PM tonight at the First Unitarian Church Social Hall at Carlisle and Comanche.

John Wertheim, Chair of the Democratic Party of NM and DNC Executive Committee member, will be talking about plans for the Party, nationally and locally, and how we can get involved. Stephen Capra, Executive Director of the NM Wilderness Alliance, will be presenting a short film about Otero Mesa and discussing how we can help fight planned oil and gas drilling in this pristine area.

In addition, we'll be learning about a new DFA national and local project to frame the issue of social security using personal stories submitted by Meetup attendees and their friends and neighbors.

Action items and reports will include information on a DFNM trip to the Legislature later this month, the upcoming Bernalillo County Democratic Party Ward and Precinct elections, the coming DFNM workshop on George Lakoff's framing strategies, Saturday's Election Reform Rally at the Roundhouse,  fundraising for a DPBC ad, the Defend Democracy group, and more.

If you plan to attend, please be sure to RSVP at the DFA-DFNM Meetup page. You can also join our Meetup group there, and you'll receive Meetup notices and be added to our email list.

March 3, 2005 at 10:23 AM in DFNM - Albq, MeetUp | Permalink


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