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    Saturday, February 05, 2005

    Victory? Victory!


    Wow. Wow. Wow. Not only has Governor Richardson finally jumped on the Howard Dean for DNC Chair train as it leaves the station, but both Simon Rosenberg and Donnie Fowler have quit the race and endorsed Dean. As Richardson said, Dean "won fair and square." Yes he did. All indications are that he now has more than enough of the 447 votes of the DNC for victory.

    This is no small achievement, as we all know. Despite heavy opposition from Beltway insiders, Republican-lite pundits and consultants and those in the Party who evidently value personal power over Party success, we did it folks. We did it. Of course it's Dean himself who "did it" with a saavy, honest and personal campaign that focused on talking sense with the voting members, but I think we can all feel a part of it. When Dean talks, it's always about US and how WE can take our country and our Party back from those whose first allegiance is to corporate power and to hell with the ordinary people. Make no mistake. This is a victory for US.

    How am I celebrating today? By digging in and getting to work, as I'm sure we'll all be doing in the days and months ahead. If you're in Albuquerque, be there or be square:

    Democratic Precinct Activation Meeting
    TODAY, 11:00 AM
    IBEW Hall, 4921 Alexander Blvd NE
    Click for map
    (Bring a sack lunch)

    Rally to Protect Our Public Lands
    TODAY, 2:00 to 5:00 PM, Kimo Theatre
    (More info here.)

    And your thoughts on the apparent Dean victory?

    (For old time's sake, here some links to the famous Faulkner Remix, the Thank You Howard Dean flash video and the Sacramento CA speech, "What I Wanna Know", that started it all off. Still not satisfied? Click here.)

    February 5, 2005 at 09:32 AM in Democratic Party, DFA, Events | Permalink


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