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Friday, February 18, 2005

Tune In Tonight

The KNME/PBS show "In Focus" will feature Sonja Elison of NM Democratic Friends discussing Governor Bill Richardson's proposed election reform bill with State Representative Danice Picraux and Amanda Cooper from the Governor's office, with Kate Nelson moderating. The show will air at 8:30 PM tonight (Friday), with a repeat showing on Sunday at 8:30 AM.

We're also pleased to note that Tony DellaFlora of the I'm Blue website will be stepping in to produce "In Focus" for several months, starting tonight. Break a leg, folks!

And be sure to email or call your legislators and Governor Bill Richardson to support SENATE BILL 1065, the election reform bill introduced by Senator Cisco McSorley, which Sonja helped draft. This wide-ranging bill includes the clearest and most precise definition of Voter Verified Paper Ballots, which represent the most effective way to assure the accuracy of our votes. Click here to read and follow the bill. You can find your legislators here.

February 18, 2005 at 09:23 AM in Local Politics, Media | Permalink



Posted by: mary ellen | Feb 18, 2005 5:09:23 PM

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