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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

NM Super DOMA Bill Defeated!

From Equality New Mexico:
We did it!  Last night, the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee tabled House Bill 445, effectively killing the bill. Thanks to all of you who testified, wrote letters, called, and emailed.  We couldn't have done it without you!  Please take a few minutes to thank Gail Beam, Irvin Harrison, Joni Gutierrez, and Al Park!

Representative Gail Beam: 505/986-4844, gail.beam@nmlegis.gov
Representative Irvin Harrison, 505/986-4464, irv4u@cnetco.com
Representative Joni Guttierez, 505/986-4234, jonig@zianet.com
Representative Al Park , 505/986-4234

Now on to Senate Bill 597!  "Simple" DOMAs still discriminate!  Please click   to write letters to your legislators and ask them to oppose SB 597!  You will need your zip + 4 for us to identify your legislators.  If you don't know yours there is a simple tool on our letter writing page to look it up.

And consider making a contribution to support this important work. Click here to make a contribution to EQNM, and thanks again for all your help.  You made this victory possible!!!

(Editor's Note: You can read about how damaging Rep. Gloria Vaughn's bill was in an earlier post on DFNM.)

February 16, 2005 at 11:33 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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