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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sunday Sunny Bird Blogging

(Click photo for larger image.)

Because we haven't seen much of the sun for days and days here in Albuquerque, I'm offering a photo of Bosco the lovebird with Old Sol spotlighting him in his cage. The sun finally emerged here this morning, which seems appropriate for a SUNday, doesn't it?

Examining this photo, I have to admit that love birds have rather unappealing feet. I guess it's a reminder that avians were originally dinosaurs back in the day. Scaly remnants! But I think Bosco's cute face and lively personality more than make up for his homely toes. Except when he is being what is referred to in the bird books as a "willful parrot," and he refuses to get back into his cage after a visit outside the bars.

Speaking of out-of-bar experiences, our green male parakeet Queenie escaped from the cage he shares with females Whitey and Ginger while it was being cleaned this morning. Our parakeets have outgrown their clipped wings, so he was flapping and swooping around the den with abandon, knocking into windows and walls all aflutter. Not very smart. Luckily we captured him before he hurt himself as he paused to rest in our jungle of plants. He's back in his cage with no lingering effects, eating a lemongrass treat with enthusiasm like nothing happened. Phew.

Both Bosco and Queenie have the same message for you today: if you haven't yet contributed a few bucks to the DFNM bat supporting the continuing success of Democracy for America and celebrating Howard Dean's victory, click here! Come on, help us meet our goal and swing that bat!

February 13, 2005 at 11:11 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


Bosco the Lovebird! Now that I know what constitutes a lovebird, I can report that we saw swarms of these green lovelies in the air on a trip to Costa Rica a few years back.
Sorry for Bosco that he is flapping only around your den, but then, he is receiving such properly progressive TLC that I am sure he is as content as a boid can be.

Posted by: nmfoodie | Feb 14, 2005 9:00:26 AM

Bosco the lovebird is fine. His wings are clipped. It was the parakeet Queenie who was flapping into walls. I know it's difficult to keep track of which bird brain is which, but here's the roster:

Lovebird: Bosco
Parakeets: Queenie, nee Fred (green male), Whitey (albino female, currently laying unfertilized eggs), Ginger (lutino, or all yellow, female).

Posted by: barb | Feb 14, 2005 12:29:43 PM

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