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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday Bird Blogging Time

This week we're back to real bird blogging, but it sure was fun to feature a furry bird-doggin' tree climber last week.


Here we have little Bosco our peach-faced lovebird after one of his regular Saturday afternoon baths. He positively loves bath time in the top of a tupperware container. He carefully wades into the warm water to check things out and then proceeds to belly slide back and forth across the "pool," splashing and flapping until he's nice and soaked. Doesn't he look pretty with his feathers all wet? Well...


Here's a close-up shot. His head feathers are already dried out but you can see how much more peachy his face and forehead are getting, in the tradition of maturing peach-faces everywhere. Peep peep.

(Click photos for larger images.)

You, too, can have your pet(s) included in a future segment of bird blogging. Email me a picture and a paragraph about your bird, dog, cat, iguana or whatever pet shares your political life and we'll give them their 10 minutes of fame!

February 6, 2005 at 10:03 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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