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Friday, February 04, 2005

Speak to the Media 2/9

From Terry Riley:
Finally, we have an opportunity to speak to members of the media in an event that they want to look good to us in.  This is probably a bit staged to build their egos and to publicize their successes, that does not mean that this is not a good
opportunity to take the focus from them and challenge them personally.

I would like to ask anyone who can attend to go to this meeting and take the opportunity to question the panelists and even the moderator.  They have an agenda which is women in media.  We have an agenda which is FULL DISCLOSURE and TIMELY COVERAGE. We should bring small signs that we can hold up when we feel that they are appropriate.  Signs that say:


We all know that the broadcast media is afraid to challenge the image of the administration.  If we show up at their events and show them that we know what they are up to and that we are going to be there to challenge them until they give us responsible journalism, then we will begin to see the changes that we need.  Until the broadcast media reports accurately the general public will not know the problems that the Bush administration is causing us.

As an example:  If we ask our local stations to stop using words like, "smart bombs, insurgents, coalition, etc." and replace them with, "bombs, nationalists or loyalists, and anything other than coalition!"  This will reopen the minds of the poorly informed and be the beginning of the return of journalism.

I think that we should ask the panelists if they would like to be considered as journalists.  Maybe we can appeal to their pride.

Enough of the verbage.  Please RSVP as requested in the notice that follows.  I hope to see you there.

Women in Communications' 18th annual Reverse Press Conference -  where we turn the tables on the media (for a change) and ask them questions about their work. This is the only annual event of its type in New Mexico.

Date and Time: Wednesday, February 9, 11:15 am to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Tanoan Country Club, 10801 Academy Road NE, ABQ
Theme: Is it news... or is it entertainment?
Panelists: Dick Knipfing, Judith Jenkins, Steve Lawrence and Jim Belshaw Moderator: Jane Blume
Schedule: Networking and registration start at 11:15; lunch is served at Noon; the program starts at 12:30.
Cost: $25.00 non-members
Reservations: Call or email Phyllis Wolf, 323-5858, powcoach@comcast.net, or
reserve with a credit card online at www.eventsNmore.com

Questions? You can email me or call me at 294-1976. And you are more than welcome to forward this message to your email list.  We'd love to have you and your like-minded friends and associates come to this.

Sincerely, Jane

February 4, 2005 at 10:36 AM in Events, Media | Permalink


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