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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Check Out NM Election Reform Coalition

United Voters of New Mexico is a new coalition of groups working on election reform in New Mexico. We are bringing together all of the organizations that are working for fair, accurate, and transparent elections in New Mexico and giving them a means by which to share information and data.

New Website
You can always get the latest information about what's going on in New Mexico at our website: https://UVoteNM.org. The website is one of the main ways that we are enabling these groups to work together.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for people to help in a few specific ways:
*Action Updates -- We need someone to collect, collate, and write the Action updates section below. This is not a lot of work, but would make my life MUCH easier.
*We need people who are willing to write press releases and help with press relations. Exactly what this means will depend on your abilities and schedule.

Please email info@UVoteNM.org if your interested in helping.


There are four main areas that we will keep you up to date on: Action -- how you can get involved, Legislation -- what's going on in the legislature, Voter's Lawsuit -- follow this important legal action, and the Recount -- what's the current situation?

There are many different ways that you can help with this effort from the comfort of your own home.

Right now, consider calling House Speaker Ben Lujan at 986-4782 in Santa Fe during business hours. Ask him to support legislation this session on two topics; (1) require voter-verifiable paper ballots (VVPB) from all voting machines, and (2) stop the Secretary of State from purchasing any new non-VVPB machines. For more details, click here. Check out the Action page on the website for more ways to help.


There is so much going on in with election reform in this 60 day session of the New Mexico legislature. The Governor along with several Representatives and Senators are introducing election reform bills.

More than 30 bills have been introduced into the NM House and Senate so far. Those assigned to the House Voting and Elections Committee (HVEC) are being temporarily tabled after an initial hearing so that the committee can review them all at once. The bills are summarized here by topic.  Many have yet to receive an initial hearing.

Voter's Lawsuit
A lawsuit was filed on behalf of 8 New Mexico voters on January 14, 2005. The focus and primary purpose of this action is to put in place a permanent injunction against use of the voting machines that have been linked to the most alarming problems in the 2004 general election. For specific examples of some of these problems, click here.Named in the case as defendants are the Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron and a handful of county clerks. The plaintiffs are eight voters representing three political parties – 6 democrats, 1 green, and 1 libertarian - across multiple counties throughout the state. Since the filing many of these counties have cleared their machines while others have come up with alternatives for dealing with the upcoming school board elections such as utilizing paper ballots or reserving the machines from the most problematic precincts. Whether the machines have been cleared or not, the lawsuit has enough evidence to prove that there are major problems tied to machine type vs. voter type as well as other problems with the  vote count and procedures that are detrimental to fair and accurate elections in New Mexico.

The Recount
Despite rumors to the contrary, the recount effort remains alive in the New Mexico Court of Appeals. The fact that the recount remains active continues to shed light on the problems surrounding the control of the voting process as well as the vote count itself. It is important to remember, that the value of the recount has always been about affecting change for future elections, not just finding out what happened to the last one. As there are a variety of vote count problems that include paper ballot issues, even if many of the counties do clear their paperless voting machines there is still much to discover. Again, for more information on what went wrong with the vote count, taken from public data available from the Secretary of State, click here.

To subscribe to our email updates, send an email from the address that you wish to subscribe to, to update-subscribe@UVoteNM.org.

February 15, 2005 at 10:09 AM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, February 14, 2005

ROUNDUP: Gay Marriage and Domestic Partnership Bills

In honor of equality day (and Valentine's Day) at the NM Legislature, here's a rundown of so-called "defense of marriage" and domestic partnership bills.

Sponsor: Gloria C. Vaughn
Track this bill.

According to Equality New Mexico this is an incredibly bad bill: HB 445 is an Omnibus Discrimination Act

The "Defense of Marriage" bill introduced on January 25, HB 445, is a "Super DOMA" that denies gay and lesbian families benefits, protections, and rights in almost every area of life. Click here to read this bill.

The core of the bill is the proposal that "a marriage between persons of the same sex, or any right or claim arising from their relationship, shall not be valid, binding, or enforceable in New Mexico. This "Super DOMA" does not "protect" marriage: it blatantly discriminating against gay and lesbian families and individuals.

If passed, provisions of the bill would:

Impose a fine on clergy for performing same-sex marriages with valid marriage licenses from states and nations (which violates separation of church and state).

Fine clergy for performing same-sex unions as "a right and claim arising from their relationship" (which violates free exercise of religious practice).

Fine gay and lesbian couples for marrying in other states and nations.

Render illegal entire bodies of sovereign law of other states and nations (e.g. Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France, Britain, Germany, Spain).

Make all domestic partnership benefits illegal, even if they are offered by large or small private corporations that use domestic partner benefits to attract skilled workers.

Make unlawful "any right or claim arising from their relationship" (e.g. all legal agreements drawn up by gay and lesbian couples to protect each other and their families; currently in NM these are the only protections available to gay and lesbian families' wills, documents of ownership, and other contracts and agreements).

Define civil contracts as the exclusive domain of heterosexual, married New Mexicans, thereby excluding all gay and lesbian couples from benefits and protections inside or outside marriage.

HB 445 is misleading: before similar "super DOMAs" passed into law in Ohio, Virginia, and Michigan, bill sponsors stated the bill would not be used to interfere with private contracts. Within days of passage, however, bill sponsors began dismantling domestic partnership benefits and other legal contracts. Please contact your state senator or representative to let them know DOMA DISCRIMINATES.

HB 445 will be heard in the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee and the House Judiciary Committee.

Sponsor: Cisco McSorley
Track this bill.

A terrific bill, SB 576 is a comprehensive, statewide, domestic partnership, benefits bill for unmarried couples, regardless of sexual orientation. This bill will offer many of the rights, benefits, and protections that legally recognized families enjoy today. Click here to read this bill.

SB 576 will be heard in three committees: Senate Public Affairs, Senate Judiciary, and Senate Finance.

Sponsor: William E. Sharer
Track this bill.

SB 597 is regarded as a “Simple DOMA” and it states, “Marriage is contemplated by the law as a civil contract between a man and a woman for which the content of the contracting parties, capable in law of contracting, is essential.” The Senate has only 42 senators and this bill has 29 co-sponsors of which 11 are democrats. Click here to read this bill.

SB 597 will be heard in two committees: Senate Public Affairs and Senate Judiciary.

Sponsor: Mimi Stewart
Track this bill.

HB 86 requires that insurance companies offer domestic partner benefits to any New Mexican employer who requests the benefits. Currently, most large employers usually do not have trouble with domestic partner benefits but smaller employers with fewer employees often are told that the insurance company does not provide that benefit. A similar bill passed the House 2 years ago but died in the Senate due to lack of time. Click here to read this bill.

HB 86 passed the Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and is currently in the House Business & Industry Committee.

Sponsor: John T.L. Grubesic
Track this bill.

SB340 proposes amending the Retiree Health Care Act and was introduced for New Mexico State employees who have retired. In 2003, Governor Bill Richardson signed an executive order creating domestic partnerships for New Mexico State employees, regardless of sexual orientation. The New Mexico State insurance companies are denying benefits to partners of retired state employees. This bill will clarify that domestic partnership benefits apply to retirement. Click here read this bill.

SB 340 will be heard in the Senate Public Affairs Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Equality New Mexico provides an to contact your legislator regarding Defense of Marriage Act bills. Thanks to EQNM for the descriptions of these bills.

February 14, 2005 at 12:03 PM in Current Affairs, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

UPDATE: NM Election Reform Bills

On Tuesday, February 15th, the House Voters and Elections Committee at the NM Legislature will review a number of election reform bills that may include the Republican voter ID bill. The Committee meets at 8:30 AM in Room 305 at the Roundhouse. If you'd like to contact members of this Committee to comment on these bills, click here. A list of the bills is here. You can read copies of the bills and track them here. And of course you are encouraged to visit the committee meeting in Santa Fe.

On Wednesday, February 16, members of DFNM and NM Democratic Friends will be attending the Senate Rules Committee chaired by Sen. Linda Lopez in Room 321 at 8:30 AM as it continues its review of Senate Bills SB40 (Duran-R) and SB718 (Ortiz y Pino-D). Janet Reznick of DFNM is leading this trip and Terry Riley of NMDF is coordinating car pooling. Please contact them for more information or to sign up for the trip. Email Terry at Terryactivist@aol.com and Janet at jrez@comcast.net. The carpools will be leaving Albuquerque at 6:30 AM. You can find committee members and agendas for this committee here. Check out the recent post by Janet Reznick on this effort here.

Sometime this week, it's anticipated that Sen. Cisco McSorley will introduce a bill drafted at the request of Sonja Elison and Clo Barnaby that includes many of our most important reforms, including a requirement that voting machines provide a voter verified paper ballot. Watch for an action alert on this bill, which is expected to be introduced in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The main NM Legislature page that links to bills, committees, agendas and more is at https://legis.state.nm.us/lcs/. There's link to this on the right-hand sidebar of our website, near the top.

February 14, 2005 at 10:39 AM in Current Affairs, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Democratic Party of Santa Fe Count to Hold Trainings, Ward Elections & County Elections in March

WHAT:  Training on the Ward and County Election Process
Purpose of these trainings is to familiarize yourself with the process, rules and procedures associated with ward elections and county elections.  Trainings will feature a "mock" ward election.

WHO:  All registered Democrats in Santa Fe County
WHEN:  Saturday March 5, 2005 at these times:

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM; 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM; 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM; 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

There will be four separate trainings that can accommodate 25 people each.  Slots will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis by contacting the DPSFC (through Doug Schocke) at 982.5727 or sfdparty@qwest.net

WHERE:  Democratic Party of Santa Fe County HQ
907 W. Alameda
Santa Fe, NM  87501
WHAT:  Ward Elections
Purpose of these elections is to elect ward officers and ward level delegates who will serve as representatives to the county central committee - this is also an opportunity to introduce resolutions at the ward level.

WHO:  All registered Democrats in Santa Fe County
WHEN:  Monday March 21, 2005, 6:00 PM
WHERE:  Locations within Santa Fe County (specific locations will be finalized by March 5)
WHAT:  County Central Committee Meeting/ County Elections
Purpose of this meeting and elections is for elected ward delegates to elect County Chair and County Vice-Chair and delegates to the State Central Committee (State Central Committee will meet on April 28th in Albuquerque) - resolutions passed at the ward level will also be discussed and voted on.

WHO:  All elected ward level delegates
WHEN:  Monday, March 28, 2005, 6:00 PM
WHERE:  NEA New Mexico Building, 2011 Botulph Road, Santa Fe, NM  87505

For more information contact:
907 W. Alameda
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Contact: Robert Adams: 231.2569

February 14, 2005 at 09:15 AM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, February 13, 2005

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting Set for 2/17

DFNM members are urged to attend this meeting. We need a large showing to underline our passion for change in the Democratic Party:

From the DPBC e-news:
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Third Thursday meeting will be held February 17, 6:00 PM at the UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford NE, Room 2401. Click for map.

Our speaker will be Ellen Leitzer, Co-Executive Director of the Senior Citizens Law Office. Ms. Leitzer recently received the Award for Consumer Health Advocate for 2004 by Families USA. Ms. Leitzer's topic will be, More of the Safety Net Under Attack - Medicaid and Medicare -- What's Next? With the number of uninsured Americans reaching 45 million, an all-time high and growing, and those without health insurance for some period of time in 2003-04 at 85 million, a crisis exists. The proposed cutbacks in the President's budget only worsen the prospects for improvement.

If you are a registered Democrat and would like to be added to the DPBC e-news list, please send your name, email address and County to dpbc@att.net.

February 13, 2005 at 12:17 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday Sunny Bird Blogging

(Click photo for larger image.)

Because we haven't seen much of the sun for days and days here in Albuquerque, I'm offering a photo of Bosco the lovebird with Old Sol spotlighting him in his cage. The sun finally emerged here this morning, which seems appropriate for a SUNday, doesn't it?

Examining this photo, I have to admit that love birds have rather unappealing feet. I guess it's a reminder that avians were originally dinosaurs back in the day. Scaly remnants! But I think Bosco's cute face and lively personality more than make up for his homely toes. Except when he is being what is referred to in the bird books as a "willful parrot," and he refuses to get back into his cage after a visit outside the bars.

Speaking of out-of-bar experiences, our green male parakeet Queenie escaped from the cage he shares with females Whitey and Ginger while it was being cleaned this morning. Our parakeets have outgrown their clipped wings, so he was flapping and swooping around the den with abandon, knocking into windows and walls all aflutter. Not very smart. Luckily we captured him before he hurt himself as he paused to rest in our jungle of plants. He's back in his cage with no lingering effects, eating a lemongrass treat with enthusiasm like nothing happened. Phew.

Both Bosco and Queenie have the same message for you today: if you haven't yet contributed a few bucks to the DFNM bat supporting the continuing success of Democracy for America and celebrating Howard Dean's victory, click here! Come on, help us meet our goal and swing that bat!

February 13, 2005 at 11:11 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (2)

ACTION ALERT: Attend Legislative Committee Wednesday Re Election Reform

Contributed by Janet Resnick:

Last Friday, Feb 11,  seven of us representing DFNM and other orgs attended the Senate Rules Committee meeting at the Roundhouse in response to Linda Lopez' invitation at our Meetup to respond to current legislation.

Two bills were being introduced; one by (R) Senator Duran, and the other by (D) Senator Ortiz y Pino -- SB40 and SB718 respectively. SB40 speaks of the requirements of voter ID. SB718 also speaks to this concern, but includes other requirements in the voting process as well. The group expressed its objective of voter verifiable paper ballots as the priority, and not voter ID requirements.

The group also met with several Legislative offices, including Senator Ortiz y Pino, and also with the Governor's office and the Secretary of State's office. We were well received, and we believe that our numbers made an impression.

The discussion on these bills in the Senate Rules Committee was not finished, did not come to a vote, and is scheduled to continue on Wednesday at 8:30 AM. It was recommended by the office of Senator Ortiz y Pino that we attend in numbers on Wednesday to indicate support for this issue. It would also be advisable to read the bills just prior to Wednesday, since Amendments will be introduced. (Check the legislative website, https://legis.state.nm.us.)

WE NEED PEOPLE to carpool this Wednesday. The more the merrier. We will leave ABQ at 6:30 AM to get there in time for the Committee meeting. If you can attend, contact Terryactivist@aol.com. Put "Legislature" in the subject line.

February 13, 2005 at 10:28 AM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Celebrate Dean's Victory: Donate


DFA members and bloggers nationwide are urging progressives to donate to the DNC and DFA starting Saturday, February 12, as Dean takes office as the new DNC Chair.  Let's show the powers that be how much widespread grassroots support exists for Dean!

You can donate to the DNC by phone at 1-877-336-7200 (toll free), by mailing a check with this form, or by using the blogger donation tool below:

Contribution amount: $

To go to the donation page or to see how much "We've Got Howard's Back by The People" has raised so far for the DNC, click here.

And you can contribute online to Democracy for America via our own DFNM Bat! We need to ensure that the powerful organization founded by Dean can continue its important work from outside the Democratic Party, with Howard's brother, Jim Dean, as its new Chair. Come on New Mexican's -- swing this bat! Click below or go to our DFNM Bat page by clicking here.

February 12, 2005 at 12:30 PM in Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink | Comments (4)

We Did It! The Dean DNC Era Begins


From : Amid joyous cheers, Governor Dean was nominated for Chair of the Democratic National Committee by Denver Mayor Wellington Webb.

After a moving video tribute to Governor Dean from DNC Members, a few DNC members added their voices of support to the nomination. Like Jay Parmley, Chair of the Oklahoma State Democratic Party, who offered the reasons why he supports Governor Dean for Chair—"he knows what it takes to lead and he knows what it takes to win."

Alexandra Gallardo Rooker, Vice-Chair of the California Democratic Party, DNC Hispanic Caucus member, said, "My friend, Howard Dean, is a proud democrat... reminds me of how great a Party we are."

The nomination was brought to a vote by acclamation. The "ayes" thundered through the ballroom, there was not a nay to be heard. Governor Dean was named the new Chair of the Democratic National Committee to a standing ovation and cheers of "Howard Dean!"

Congratulations to newly-elected Chair of the DNC, Howard Dean!


“There are a lot of people in this city who are afraid I’m going to be very unorthodox — and I am,” Howard Dean told supporters Friday at a meeting of the Democratic National Committee in Washington.

And Dean has a for us as he moves to his new job:

From Governor Dean

In less than a year you have built a national political powerhouse that helped shape the national debate and supported good candidates across the country. And you have built dozens of grassroots organizations that work for change locally.

There's still a lot of work to do -- DFA and other like-minded organizations face huge challenges as we take on a Republican infrastructure built up with billions of dollars and decades of experience.

But just look at how far we have come. So many of you have grown as leaders and as citizens in such a short time. Your hard work and faith in democracy are beginning to fundamentally shift the balance of political power in this country.

I want to introduce to you two people who will help you continue that work -- and take DFA to the next level.

First let me introduce my brother, Jim Dean -- the new Chair of Democracy for America. Jim has been a tireless supporter of the grassroots, and many of you have met him at events around the country.

Like many of you, he wasn?t very political until recently. He was drawn into political life because of his deep concern for the credibility of our political process.

He believes in protecting every vote and protecting our democracy from corruption like Tom DeLay?s money-for-influence machine. Most importantly he believes in amplifying your role in our political process.

Like Jim, Tom Hughes -- the new Executive Director -- has spent the last several months as one of the primary networkers for the DFA grassroots. Many of you already know Tom -- those of you who don't will soon know his energy, enthusiasm and passion for the people of this organization.

DFA will continue to be your place to support socially progressive, fiscally responsible candidates. That process will soon be gearing up -- you will be an important part of it. And you will hear more from Jim and Tom soon about how DFA can help your local organization.

I look forward to continuing our conversation about the future of our party and our country in my new role at the DNC. You will see less of me in this space for a while, but this organization is in good hands -- yours.

You have taught me so much -- about our country, about our democracy, about the hope and determination of our people. Change is possible. And you have the power to make it happen -- you already have.

Thank you,

February 12, 2005 at 11:18 AM in Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink | Comments (3)

Friday, February 11, 2005

Saturday ABQ Rally Against War Profiteers

From Stop the War Machine:
(Believe it or not, there are weapons that are worse than nukes.  Come down to the Albuquerque Hilton this Saturday at 11 AM and join us to protest the weapons that are being placed in space.)

Big Rally Against War Profiteers:  Albuquerque needs money for jobs and healthcare, not war in space!

Saturday, February 12, 2005 at the University of New Mexico Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion; Albuquerque Hilton Hotel (1901 University Boulevard at I-40), 11 AM -1 PM; Questions? StopTheWarMachine@comcast.net (268-9557) or www.Space4Peace.org .

Saturday is the kick off day for a week long gathering of war planners and profiteers.  UNM sponsors this conference.  Look for other actions at the symposium during the week of activates

We will raise the demand that money being sent to prepare for war in space be spent for jobs, healthcare, and environmental restoration.  For instance, the Indian Health Service is closing its Albuquerque hospital due to federal budget cuts.  Yet at the same time millions are being planned for a nuclear bunker buster bomb, billions for space laser weapons and nuclear power system. 

We must stand up and challenge these upside down priorities and demand people be put before war profiteering.  This is a protest in conjunction with the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space.

February 11, 2005 at 09:39 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)