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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Local Women Leaders to Back Griego for ABQ Mayor

Media Advisory from the Campaign for Councilor Eric Griego for Mayor of Albuquerque:

Patricia Montoya, Former State Secretary of Health
Deanna Archuleta-Loeser, Bernalillo County Commissioner
Debbie O'Malley, Albuquerque City Councilor
Melinda Rand-Kenefic, Owner, Celebro Natural Fiber Clothing
Laura Harris, Executive Director of Americans for Indian Opportunity

And more than 30 other women leaders and supporters of Eric Griego’s mayoral campaign.

Where: Centro de Amor Head Start Center (Barelas, 309 Stover SW)

When: Monday, February 21, 3:30 PM


What: Press conference

Why:  To show Councilor Griego’s strong support from the women’s community and to highlight his record of working on issues of importance to Albuquerque women.

February 19, 2005 at 11:37 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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