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Monday, February 07, 2005

GLBT Lobby Day at the NM Legislature

From Equality New Mexico:

Celebrate Valentine's Day
Our Day of Love
& Protect Our Families
GLBT Lobby Day
at the NM State Legislature 

February 14, 2005!

7:45 AM: Meet at Roundhouse- Learn to Lobby Legislators

8:30 AM: Tell Your Legislators: "No Ban on Same-Sex Marriages and Pass Domestic Partner Benefits"

10:00 AM: Rotunda Celebration: Press Conference

11:00 AM: Lunch with friends

12:30 PM: More Lobbying!!!


Celebrate your right to love, join in Gay & Lesbian family day at the Roundhouse

For more Information (and parking suggestions!) contact Equality New Mexico at (505)224-2766 or (888)304-2366.

February 7, 2005 at 09:38 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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