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    Tuesday, February 01, 2005

    Frost Drops Out of Race for DNC Chair

    Can it be? Will Dean win this time? According to an AP article in The Guardian:

    Former Texas Rep. Martin Frost dropped out of the race for Democratic national chairman on Tuesday, winnowing the field to front-runner Howard Dean and three challengers.

    Frost's decision came hours after AFL-CIO leaders decided not to make an endorsement in the race for Democratic National Committee chairman.

    Frost had counted heavily on organized labor to give him a boost and many in the AFL-CIO were prepared to back him at one point, but Frost had not shown the strength in the race to get an endorsement, union officials said.
    [. . .] 
    The decision Monday by state party leaders to endorse Dean prompted many in the party to comment that Dean is looking unbeatable. Former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb dropped out of the race and endorsed Dean Monday.

    UPDATE: Daily Kos has an excellent story on this, plus an excerpt of a remarkable letter from Donna Brazile giving advice to Dean. There's also some info on Rep. Nancy's Pelosi's involvement in the DNC Chair process. There are only three other candidates left in the race: Roemer, Donnie Fowler and Simon Rosenberg, and Dean has a big and growing lead in voting members.

    UPDATE 2: They're dropping like flies. is reporting that Rosenberg is out and Roemer will be next, leaving only Donnie Fowler. And as the post explains, he's enmeshed in a scandal coming out of Michigan.

    February 1, 2005 at 02:49 PM in Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink


    Wow ... that Donna Brazile letter gave me chills... very insightful,imho.

    Posted by: Nancy | Feb 1, 2005 10:36:26 PM

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