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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

DFA Meetups Tomorrow . . . And Thursday

DFA-DFNM Meetups in Santa Fe and Las Cruces are being held Wednesday, February 2nd at 7 PM, while Albuquerque's Meetup has moved to the first Thursday of the month, or February 3rd. Click on the links in the Coming Events area on the right-hand sidebar on this page to register or find out more.

In Albuquerque, we'll hear from Marvin Moss, Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party of NM, past Congressional primary candidate, Eli Chavez, Nathan Newcomer of the NM Wilderness Alliance and more. We'll be focusing on precinct and ward building, election reform bills at the NM Legislature, writing letters to the editor in support of Howard Dean's run for DNC Chair, and learning about ways we can visit the Legislature and lobby our state senators and representatives. There will be updates on the progressive billboard project, planning for our workshop on George Lakoff and framing and other ongoing projects.

Once again, bring your food and dollar donations for our Foodboxes for Families program. This Meetup, the person who donates the most to this excellent project will win something very boxer-like from Barbara Boxer. Come on out and see what it is!

February 1, 2005 at 03:08 PM in MeetUp | Permalink


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