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Monday, February 07, 2005

Dean is Last Candidate Standing


According to this CNN article, Tim Roemer has withdrawn from the race for DNC Chair leaving Howard Dean as the only candidate still in the race. Oh yeah. February 12th is gonna be a wonderful day!

February 7, 2005 at 12:14 PM in Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink


There's hope.
Best of luck, HOWARD!
Let's take our country back!

Posted by: Nancy | Feb 7, 2005 1:48:10 PM

There's hope.
Best of luck, HOWARD!
Let's take our country back!

Posted by: Nancy | Feb 7, 2005 1:48:41 PM

I am VERY excited about Dr. Dean taking over as DNC chair. 2006 will be a very good year!!

Posted by: Cheryl | Feb 7, 2005 9:02:56 PM

This is the best news I've heard in ages. With a real reformer in the job, there is hope we can improve our Party so that we can actually stand for something and stick up for it.

Posted by: Jason M. | Feb 8, 2005 8:21:09 AM

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