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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Contact Legislators to Oppose DOMA

From Equality New Mexico:
Please Read, Act, and Forward

Take action now and oppose "Defense of Marriage" legislation in New Mexico! You can oppose these bills here:

House Bill 445 and Senate Bill 597 are marriage discrimination bills and your quick action today will help EQNM stop them in committee.

Use EQNM's new web resource to tell your legislators that neither bill does anything to "protect" marriage: instead, both bills blatantly discriminate against same-sex couples.

Don't know who your legislators are? No problem. The website will identify them for you and make it easy for you to email and fax them a letter.

Please Don't wait to defeat this legislation! If you act now your letter in opposition to DOMA may be the first one that reaches your legislator. These early letters and stories can help shape the way that legislators think about DOMA.

Spread the word. Please forward this message to friends, family,and colleagues. It is especially important that legislators from more conservative New Mexico counties hear from their constituents. So, please forward this email to all corners of the state.

Tell your state legislators that DOMAs discriminate! Both bills target same-sex couples and their children for discrimination. These bills are more than unfair; they are nasty and mean-spirited. Your action against this hurtful legislation is the key to defeating it. Thank you.

(Editor's Note: You can read more about these bills in an earlier post on the DFNM blog.)

February 15, 2005 at 01:38 PM | Permalink


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