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Monday, February 07, 2005

Change in Dates for Dem Ward/Precinct and County Central Commitee Meetings

From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County e-news:

If you know any registered Democrat that would like to be added to the e-news, please send their name, e-mail address and County to dpbc@att.net.

Note from State Headquarters: the dates for Ward/Precinct and County Central Committee meetings have been readjusted to avoid conflict with the Good Friday and Easter holidays, accommodate the availability of the schools before and after spring break and the scheduling of the State Central Committee meeting mandated by state rules.

Ward/Precinct and County Central Committee meetings to elect new officers and State Central Committee members are to be held sometime between Thursday, March 3 and Saturday, April 2.

Each sitting County Chair should submit dates, times and locations for these meetings to State Headquarters no later than Monday, February 28.
Editor's Note: Hmmm. This doesn't give us much time to plan, now does it? I hope our Bernalillo County Chair, Linda Lopez, doesn't wait until February 28th to set the date for our ward/precinct meetings. Previously they were tentatively set for March 3rd, which is our new regularly scheduled day for DFA-DFNM's Albuquerque Meetup. If the Bernalillo County ward/precinct meetings end up being set for that day, we'll have to change our Meetup day again, so I hope the new date is set quickly!

February 7, 2005 at 09:31 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


I'm afraid that the DPNM and the DPBC are botching it again. The precinct and ward elections are a vital opportunity to show that all Democrats can participate and do have a voice in running the Party. Unfortunately this opportunity is being squandered because of poor planning and disorganization. When people find out that precinct chairs were elected to represent them and nobody bothered to invite them to the election, they'll be irked.

The precinct activation meeting was a disaster, in my opinion. I posted a review of the meeting. There's a link to my review at the top of my DPBC page, https://users.hubwest.com/msch/dpbc/dpbc.html , or click on my name below.

Posted by: | Feb 7, 2005 10:29:53 AM

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