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Friday, January 07, 2005

Thank Dems Who Voted to Contest Ohio's Electoral Votes

If you'd like to thank the 31 Democrats in the House and the ONE Democratic Senator who voted to contest Ohio's electoral votes, here's an easy way to do it. Links to their websites are listed below, on the continuation page of this post.

Here are links to the statement against certification by and a post by on his vote from the DFA Blog for America.

Is it just me or was it completely frustrating to have so many Democrats in the Senate give speeches in support of the Ohio challenge and then turn around and vote to accept the electoral college votes? Are Democrats really that afraid of "offending" Bush? Given their behavior yesterday, what else can we think?

Link to Senator Barbara Boxer's website, the lone Senator who voted to contest Ohio's electoral votes:

Barbara Boxer CA

Senate Roll Call

Links to websites of the 31 Members of the House of Representatives who voted to contest Ohio's electoral votes:

House Roll Call

Corinne Brown, FL
Julia Carson, IN
William "Lacy" Clay, Jr., MO
James E. Clyburn, SC
John Conyers, Jr., MI
Danny K. Davis, IL
Lane Evans, IL
Sam Farr, CA
Bob Filner, CA
Raul Grijalva, AZ
Alcee Hastings, FL
Maurice Hinchey, NY
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., IL
Sheila Jackson Lee, TX
Eddie Bernice Johnson, TX
Stephanie Tubbs Jones, OH
Carolyn Kilpatrick, MI
Dennis Kucinich, OH
Barbara Lee, CA
John Lewis, GA
Edward Markey, MA
Cynthia McKinney, GA
John Olver, MA
Major Owens, NY
Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ
Donald Payne, NJ
Jan Schakowsky, IL
Bennie Thompson, MS
Maxine Waters, CA
Diane Watson, CA
Lynn Woolsey, CA

January 7, 2005 at 09:58 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink


Thanking is in progress!
Perhaps we should also challenge NM senators and representatives to tell us why they are not for fair elections.

Posted by: Nancy | Jan 7, 2005 1:28:20 PM

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