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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunday Bird Bloggin'


(Click image to get larger version.)

Today we're featuring our three parakeets, Whitey, Ginger and Queenie. Whitey is the albino female on the far left. Ginger is the yellow lutino female and Queenie, believe it or not, is the green male with the big face.

We just went through a bout of almost breeding Whitey and Queenie, but ended the experiment when Ginger got incredibly aggressive about the nesting box we had installed. We put her in a separate cage for a day, but she was so morose that she refused to even eat. So we removed the nesting box and they returned to their original bickering but mostly friendly selves, all three together, happy, joyous and free.

We had originally named Queenie as "Fred," since he was always dancing along the perches with Ginger. Somehow, though, he has since taken on the persona of Queenie and we can't argue with that.

Yes, they ARE Howard Dean supporters as you can see from the sign behind the cage. And since they are incredibly energetic activists, it's very difficult to get them to stand still for a photo. This photo was taken on the day Dean formally announced his run for DNC Chair so they were particularly chatty and kept bopping around the cage like true Deaniacs. It shows.

January 16, 2005 at 12:18 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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