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    Friday, January 07, 2005

    Sign the Petition to Urge Dems to Elect a Reform DNC Chair

    From the 21st Century Democrats:
    In February, the 447 members of the Democratic National Committee will elect a new Chair. In ordinary times, only Beltway insiders concern themselves with such matters.

    But these are not ordinary times. Click here to sign our petition to demand a DNC Chair who will reform the infrastructure of our party.

    The grassroots of our party has never been stronger, but the infrastructure has never been more in need of reform. Here’s what we need.

    A Commitment to Principle. To win, Democrats need to speak up for our values, not compromise them. We need a DNC Chair who will use this national platform to help coordinate a strong Democratic message based on progressive values.

    A Fifty State Strategy. Democrats simply do not compete in many regions of this country. Even in places where the short-term odds of victory are slim, we need to field strong Democrats up and down the ballot to contest the Republican message machine and build a farm team of progressive leaders.

    Energized State and Local Committees. For a generation, the DNC has focused almost exclusively on raising large contributions to support our presidential candidates. Meanwhile, our local infrastructure has withered. State and local committees need help setting goals, recruiting candidates, training activists and organizers, coordinating message, and raising funds.

    A Culture of Accountability. The DNC must professionalize its operations and hold its staff and consultants accountable. The new DNC Chair must develop a strategic plan with clear goals and benchmarks.

    Respect for Grassroots Activism. The new DNC Chair must embrace the internet as a tool to cultivate grassroots political action , not just political fundraising.

    Click here to send a petition to the DNC members in support of this reform agenda.

    Several of the candidates running for DNC Chair understand the need for reform and will lead our party in the right direction. But others will continiue with the status quo that, in the last 25 years, has seen the Democrats lose 77 seats in the House, 14 seats in the Senate, and five of seven presidential elections.

    Please help us send a strong message to the members of the DNC. Click here to sign.
    Note: 21st Century Democrats is supported by Democracy for America and provides training and and on-the-ground support for progressive activists and candidates around the country. Be sure to check out their website if you sign the petition.

    January 7, 2005 at 09:21 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


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