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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Fact of the Day: Iraq War U.S. Wounded Have Tripled

According to Thomas F. Schaller at The Gadflyer:

"... here is a statistic that should startle people: The rate at which Americans have been wounded has more than tripled since April 1, 2004: from about 8 per day before the insurgency began to gain its Fallujah foothold, to more than 27 per day since. (Data, as always, courtesy of Lunaville.org.)

Spin these numbers, Karl:

  • 3,063 woundings in the 378 days from March 19, 2003, through March 31, 2004 = 8.1/day

  • 6,650 woundings in the 244 days from April 1 through November 30, 2004 = 27.3/day

That's right – tripled!"

Of course I've read that Bush has ordered his aids not to give him ANY bad news about Iraq, so he probably has no real idea this is happening -- and doesn't care to know. Must be real relaxing living in that positive news bubble of his. What, me worry?

January 8, 2005 at 12:18 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


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