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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Pack ABQ Civic Plaza 1/22 for NARAL Pro Choice Rally

The threat to our civil, reproductive, and human rights is very real. With a Supreme Court vacancy looming and President Bush's inauguration approaching, we need you to stand with us to protect our courts and our values.    

"Protect the Courts - Protect Our Values!"
* Reproductive Rights * Civil Rights * Human Rights *

Rally on Civic Plaza for the 32nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

When:  Saturday, January 22, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Where:  Civic Plaza, between 3rd & 4th at Tijeras, Albuquerque, NM

Candlelight Procession Immediately Following the Rally
(Please meet at Civic Plaza by 4:30 pm for the procession)

What is the purpose of this rally?
The rally will give everyone who is concerned with this administration's divisive and deceptive tactics regarding our judiciary a chance to stand up and be counted.  We can't take our constitutional rights for granted - Bush has already put hundreds of ideological judges on the federal courts, and over the next four years he may get to nominate several Supreme Court Justices.  Come to the rally and get information on what is being done here in New Mexico to safeguard civil and reproductive rights and how you can take action! 

What is being planned for the rally?
Lt. Governor Diane Denish has been invited, and Rep. Mimi Stewart, along with others, is scheduled to speak.  We will have musical entertainment and a slide show of the March for Women's Lives in D.C.  There will be biscochitos and hot chocolate to keep everyone fed and warm!  Sign making and kid-friendly activities will also be on hand, so families are welcome!  The rally will conclude with a candlelight procession to commemorate the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

What is the cost?
Free and open to the public!

We encourage you to come to Civic Plaza on Saturday, January 22 and forward this message to your friends and family to get them involved as well!

For more information, please contact 505.243.4443 or e-mail Rally@prochoicenm.org.

For Choice,

The NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico Staff and
The Albuquerque Choice Action Team

Click for rally flyer.

January 18, 2005 at 09:59 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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