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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Yule, and a Very Merry Winter Solstice

Winter solstice arrived at 5:42 AM (MST) today. Starting tomorrow, the days get longer and the nights get shorter.

Chaco Canyon was inhabited from the 9th century by people of the Anasazi (Early Pueblo) culture. Every year, at noon on the day of the winter soltice, light shining through stone slabs casts a wedge-shaped beam upon the center of a spiral etched into the rock (photo above). This spiral is believed to be a solstice marker created by this ancient culture. See the Solstice Project.

From the Odinist Forum: Except for the Nativity Scene and Christmas Mass, everything celebrated, practised and observed by Christians at the "Yule" (Winter Solstice) season, or so called "Christmas", was appropriated from Heathen/Pagan sources, i.e., the ancient Northern European, pre-Christian religion, in its various forms . . .

“Christmas” traditions with Heathen/Pagan origins…

To celebrate Solstice Week, photographers all over the Earth are producing another World Wide Panorama. You can see their previous efforts. Photos for a winter's day. Enjoy.

December 21, 2004 at 01:23 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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