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Thursday, December 02, 2004

Your Thread on Last Night's MeetUp

According to our sign-in sheets and head counts for last night's Albuquerque DFA - DFNM MeetUp at Page One, almost 100 people were in attendance! We had lots of new faces, as well as many whose involvement dates back to the early days of the Dean campaign. Quite a turnout -- one that spilled out of the cafe and into the bookstore proper. Thanks for everyone's patience with the crowded environment!

I think we got a good start on understanding the structure of the local Democratic Party and how to get more involved at the precinct and ward levels, thanks to an excellent presentation by ex-ward chair Bruce Barnaby. Much more action to come on this, as well as work on compiling useful information about the Party on this website.

As always, Dr. Miles Nelson was inspiring in speaking about the future of progressive and, yes, liberal politics in New Mexico. He explained the promise of his fledgling SeedPAC to support progressive local and state candidates with both money and volunteers. I know many of us will participate in the PAC and contribute money and time. Miles also urged us to attend the Thank You Volunteers potluck this Sunday at 4:00-7:00 PM at 5th and Copper, sponsored by SeedPAC. In addition to lots of good food, this event will feature representatives of groups like MoveOn and ACT, who will lead a brainstorming session about the focus of future actions and how each group can best contribute. I expect to see many familiar faces of people who volunteered in various ways during this past election.

ABQ MeetUp also had a number of reports from attendees about projects and plans for political action. I'll be compiling information on these and featuring them in posts over the next few days.

I'm proud to report that ABQ Meetup folks donated the equivalent of 4,335 minutes, worth about $400, to DFA's national effort to collect long distance phone cards for vets at VA hospitals. This will help many deserving vets call friends and family during the holiday season. Democracy for America will match these contributions dollar for dollar and see that the phone cards get to the places where they can help the most. Thanks to all who gave generously on this effort! There's still time for more donations of phone cards before I send the batch to Burlington VT. Click on the "Email Me" link on the upper right-hand side of this page and I'll tell you how.

Now go ahead and click on "Comments" below to add your take on how the MeetUp went last night and what we need to do in the weeks and months ahead! And we'd love to hear from folks from the Santa Fe and Las Cruces Meetups too.

December 2, 2004 at 12:54 PM in MeetUp | Permalink


Thanks for hosting a great meetup last night, chock full of great information! I noted that some people were not able to get Bruce's hand-out. Any way we could get an electronic copy posted here? (or is there already one and I don't know it?)

For folks who want to sign on to be Precinct captains, here is the location of the
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
130 Alvarado Drive Northeast Suite 400 Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 256-1855 (off Central near San Mateo)

Posted by: Tom Solomon | Dec 2, 2004 1:45:44 PM

Hi Tom!

Yes, I'll be putting info from last night's presentations up on the site in the next couple of days. In the meantime, there's a link to the Democratic Party of New Mexico's rules on the left-hand side bar under the topic "Democratic Party." I believe alot of Bruce's info came from that.

Thanks for the correct address to the County office and glad you got alot out of the Meetup.

Posted by: barb | Dec 2, 2004 4:36:06 PM

WE in Santa Fe had a good turnout of about 30 people last night. Alas, we did not have an enthusiastic response to the phone card program, with only 4 cars submitted for a total of 600 minutes of phone time. At that rate, I figure I owe the ABQ Meetup host breakfast, lunch, AND dinner for so soundly losing that wager. Nonetheless, we heard from speakers about the challenge to choice, and about a NARAL meeting next week in Santa Fe which will alert folks on how they can protect choice. We also heard about a nascent effort to turn socially responsible investments into a way to buy radio and TV stations, a report from a local MoveOn member, beginning our efforts to cross-pollinate between progressive groups in Santa Fe, and we had a (euphemism alert) lively exchange about how to become involved in and improve the Santa Fe County Democratic Party. Robert Adams, the party vice chair for SF County who was in attendance, offered to speak to the group at a later time about how best to do that. All told, a lively discussion that shows that we have shed our sackcloth and ashes and are ready to get back to business.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Dec 2, 2004 7:20:04 PM

ONE HUNDRED?! Make that 101, if you count that I was there in spirit. I wish I could have been there in person. Barb, is it too late to send you a phone card, or money to buy one? How about overseas cards? I can get them here, and send them to you.

Keep up the good work! It's great to hear about how active my buddies continue to be!

Posted by: Kathy | Dec 4, 2004 11:26:08 AM

Hi Kathy - I think it would be best to let me know how much you want to donate and we'll just buy the card. Since DFA is distributing them to vets in VA hospitals in the U.S., I think domestic long distance would be best. But if you want to give to a group that donats international phone cards to vets in Iraq and Afghanistan, check out the "Help Our Troops Phone Home" link under the Help Our Troops topic in the right-hand sidebar on this page.

You know, I had a sneaking feeling there were actually 101 people there -- believe me your name came into many of our minds as we wished you were here to do the great job you've always done.

Have you see the Foodies yet? Very cool you guys can hook up in Merrie Olde England during the holidaze season.

Posted by: barb | Dec 4, 2004 3:50:49 PM

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