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Monday, December 06, 2004

51 Capital March

From Kip Humphrey of The 51 Capital March:

at Noon Everywhere!

On December 12th, 2004, at 12 noon, before the steps of your State Capital and the Federal Capital, join with us to protest the theft of our votes and our voting rights in the 2004 election. As citizens, it is our duty to protect those basic rights that insure the survival of our democracy and constitution for present and future generations of Americans.

Egregious infringements of our voting rights occurred in the 2004 election: our voting systems were compromised and our votes violated. The line was crossed: we no longer trust our voting systems. As citizens, we must stand together and demand of our fellow citizen electors:

Do NOT cast your vote for President and Vice President until state election officials provide a complete, accurate, and verified vote recount.

Of our state and federal election officials:

Provide a verified, accurate, and complete recount of the votes cast in the November 2nd elections.

Of our state and federal representatives:

Immediately investigate the root causes of voting system and voting process failures during the 2004 elections Act to ensure the integrity of all future elections.

Join with us in a people's uprising, a citizen protest. Volunteer to help mobilize the citizens of your state to converge on your state capital in peaceful protest of our stolen rights. On December 12th, go to your state or federal capital and make your voice heard. Make a sign and show up!

There's more Information at the 51 Capital website. Another source of information on scheduled protests around the nation is at Solarbush.org.

Note: No coordinator for New Mexico has volunteered to coordinate a protest at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe on December 12th. If you would like to volunteer for that role, sign up at the 51 Capital March website. Otherwise, it's been suggested that you make a sign and show up in Santa Fe at Noon at the Roundhouse.

December 6, 2004 at 05:17 PM in Events | Permalink


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