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Thursday, December 16, 2004

REMINDER: Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Meeting Tonight

From the DPBC e-news:

Lt. Governor Diane Denish will be unable to attend the Third Thursday meeting on December 16, 6 PM, at the UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford NE, Room 2401. We hope to have her address the county party in the near future.

Instead, Matt Farrauto, Communications Director for the DPNM will assess the results of the election comprehensively and discuss what we look forward to in terms of strategy and organization at all levels of the party.

Your input is valuable.  Please attend so that your opinions may be heard.

If you would like to be added to the e-news, please send your name, e-mail address and County to dpbc@att.net.

December 16, 2004 at 10:08 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


That should be an interesting meeting. I think the election in Bernalillo County was a disaster. Here's some data from the Secretary of State's web page:

Bernalillo County. 2004 general election, registration as of 12/04:

Registered Republicans: 122,840
Votes for Bush: 121,454 (47.3%)

In other words, Bush got more votes than there are Republicans.

Registered Democrats: 162,461
Kerry votes: 132,252 (51.5%)

While Kerry got a whole lot fewer votes than there are registered democrats. That doesn's suggest an effective GOTV effort.

By comparison, here's the voting from the County in 2000:
Bush 95,249 (47%)
Gore 99,461 (49%)
Nader 8,274 (4%)

So all that money and all that time in getting out the vote didn't get us forwarder from where we were four years ago.

Surely we could have done better. What happened to the 30,000 registered Democrats who apparently didn't vote for Kerry?
I think I'll ask Matt Farrauto.

Mike Schneider

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Dec 16, 2004 11:15:50 AM

Go for it!

Posted by: Jeff SF | Dec 16, 2004 11:44:05 AM

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