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Monday, December 06, 2004

Protest "Something Fishy" at ABQ Federal Courthouse on Wednesday


From Tina D.

The ad hoc group that's been holding demonstrations in downtown Albuquerque for the last few weeks is having one last go at it on Wednesday, in front of the Federal Courthouse at 3rd and Lomas from 4 to 6 PM.

The local news has come at 4 and so there's only been a few people, which makes for a skimpy lookin' crowd.  At 5 we covered the block, so this time, we're asking everyone to be there at 4 and we're telling the newsies to come at 5. 

The "issue" is voting reform in New Mexico.  The "theme" is "Something's Fishy" which is good to know if you're one of those creative types who can make eye-catching signs that draw motorists into the text.

The NM recount begins the next day, or so I'm told, so we're hoping the press will consider the demonstration a good lead-in story.  Basically, we're trying to raise awareness of what's going on in Ohio, Florida and NM, and so the local news bite's important.

December 6, 2004 at 07:08 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


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